Once again, the XFER Communications family had a wonderful time at their company picnic on September 22 at Livonia’s Rotary Park. Our team members and their families came out to spend a pleasant day mingling with one another and enjoying the chance to socialize away from the office.
In total, we had about 55 people come out and enjoy the picnic… including the very popular Cornhole Tournament we put on. Congratulations to our winners!
More importantly, thank you to each and every one of our team members and those who help support them at home. Their efforts combine to make XFER Communications such a wonderful place. While it is always nice to see everyone at the office, spending time with our team, as our picnic allowed us to do, is even better. Again, thank you to everyone who attended and made this event possible through their daily efforts.
Here’s to a great year ahead, which we’ll be able to celebrate at our next picnic!