31478 Industrial Road Suite 200, Livonia, Michigan 48150 sales@xfer.com



XFER has been serving the Livonia area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Hello Computer

b2ap3_thumbnail_FutureAhead400.jpgEvery generation improves the technology of the previous generation. Sometimes technology can improve at such a rapid rate that it can make other technologies obsolete. It takes a bit of know how to determine which technologies will last and which ones are just fads. We are here to help you make sense of all of these rapid changes.


Here's a sobering thought: given enough time and advancements, the technology of today will be unrecognizable to our grandkids. In the same way that it would likely take you a bit of effort to figure out a phonograph, there are many young adults who have never turned on a record player.

It is easy for us to get so wrapped up in our technology that we can forget how temporary it is. In fact, that fancy smartphone of yours will likely be obsolete in less than 10 years. How then will our technology look to future generations? Will it even be remembered at all?

Star Trek offers us a comical view of this when the crew of Enterprise time travels back to the 1980's. Scotty, the technology expert on board the Enterprise, can't quite figure out why the old Macintosh isn't responding to voice command.


Today, we have Siri and Robin on our Apple and Android smartphones to take our every command, and the devices in our pockets are far more powerful than any computer from the 1980's. Yet, we are still not at the place where Siri can serve us up some Earl Grey tea, hot; and forget about traveling with the aide of demolecularization technology, we can't even solve the gas crisis!

Whether you look forward to the technologies of Science Fiction, or you look to the past by taking a tour of technologies displayed at your local museum, it's nice to have a little perspective about the role technology plays in culture. Without perspective, it's easy to get caught up in technology and believe the hype that the new gadget being advertised is the greatest innovation to befall mankind; when in reality, it will just be replaced next month by a competitor's device that is smaller, sleeker, and more powerful.

At XFER, we follow the latest technology and can even tell you how far we are from having holodecks like in Star Trek; but we also have perspective. This means that we are dedicated to finding you technology solutions that are right for your business; even it might not be the newest and the latest. Having perspective means that we can see past the promotional product hype and recommend a solution that we know won't be obsolete when the next big thing comes around.

As Scotty found out, every technology comes with a learning curve. XFER will educate you on how to use your new gadgets and software so that you won't embarrass yourself by talking into your mouse. Give XFER a call at 734-927-6666 / 800-GET-XFER, and let us boldly go where no man has gone before and assist you with all of your technology needs!

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XFER Communications, Inc.
31478 Industrial Road Suite 200
Livonia, Michigan 48150