31478 Industrial Road Suite 200, Livonia, Michigan 48150 sales@xfer.com



XFER has been serving the Livonia area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Closed A Tab On Accident? Here’s How To Restore It

Tip of the Week: Closed A Tab On Accident? Here’s How To Restore It

Have you ever accidentally closed a tab before you were done with it? It’s a classic case of clicking just a little too close to the X. We’ll walk you through how you can open up Google Chrome tabs, not just on your ordinary desktop web browser, but your Android device as well. It’s a lot easier than searching for the same web pages as before!

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Without a Doubt, BDR is the Best Way to Back Up Your Company's Files

b2ap3_thumbnail_bdr_for_your_business_400.jpgWe get asked all the time, “What’s the best way to back up my company’s files?” For businesses, we give the same answer every time: a Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution. BDR is far superior to any other data backup solution on the market, as evidenced by these three awesome features.

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4 Features Every Business Needs in a Backup Solution

b2ap3_thumbnail_data_backup_solution_400.jpgOne of the most valuable assets of your business is its data. Hackers know this; it’s why they choose to go after those who fail to protect their information. Without your data, you’ll lose valuable time and expenses that can potentially result in the complete and total destruction of your business. This is why it’s so crucial that your organization understands how to integrate a proper data backup solution that optimizes business continuity.

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Business Continuity: Prepare For the Worst and Hope For the Best

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_continuity_400.jpgThere are few things more important than the continuity of your business. Your livelihood, and that of your employees, depends on the continued functionality of your organization. Therefore, it becomes necessary to do all that you can to ensure your business is protected from an unexpected downfall, due to data loss, natural disasters, and other means.

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Introducing the 3-2-1 Formula to Effective Data Backup

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_backup_400.jpgWhile there are several options your business has for a backup solution, how much thought have you really put into it? As one of the most mission-critical functions of your IT infrastructure, you need to be sure that you’re getting the best solution for your money. More importantly, you need to know that you can rely on your solution to get you through the most trying times, like after a disaster or data theft.

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Learn more about what XFER can do for your business.

XFER Communications, Inc.
31478 Industrial Road Suite 200
Livonia, Michigan 48150