31478 Industrial Road Suite 200, Livonia, Michigan 48150 sales@xfer.com



XFER has been serving the Livonia area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Three IT Promises We Know We Can Keep

Three IT Promises We Know We Can Keep

In business, you generally know better than to make promises to your clients or customers. After all, what happens when you can’t keep them? Well, today, we want to highlight a couple of promises that managed IT can make—with confidence—for your business.

The Promise of Less Downtime

Downtime is often cited as a business killer (and for good reason).

You can loosely define downtime as any instance when your organization is not running as expected. Naturally, IT plays a role in making this happen, and when your IT isn’t functioning the way it’s supposed to, you can expect downtime to occur. Managed IT takes a proactive approach to mitigating downtime through taking care of your resources, monitoring them for potential issues, and addressing them accordingly—all before a downtime-causing incident.

We can guarantee, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’ll experience less downtime with us on your side.

The Promise of Fewer Costs

When your business experiences fewer disruptions to your IT, you’ll experience fewer costs, too.

Consider the up-front costs it takes to implement new server hardware or purchase new devices whenever you experience issues with your existing assets. More often than not, you can prevent these large costs simply by taking care of what you own and making it last longer. Similarly, you can predict (to a certain extent) hardware failures that would cost you in both downtime, asset replacement, lost income potential, and wasted productivity and prevent them well in advance.

Yes, we can guarantee that proactive managed IT is going to be more cost-effective for your business in the long run.

The Promise of Professional IT Support

You need knowledgeable technicians on your side if you want to be successful, but it’s not always easy to afford the help you need.

Managed IT makes it significantly easier to acquire IT professionals to support your team. Whether you hire a team like XFER to handle the brunt of the work, or just to manage certain project implementations, you’re going to get the best technicians in Michigan. It’s a lot easier and more timely than conducting a costly hiring campaign for the perfect CIO, that’s for sure.

Ready to get started with managed IT? Give us a call at 734-927-6666 / 800-GET-XFER to learn more.

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XFER Communications, Inc.
31478 Industrial Road Suite 200
Livonia, Michigan 48150